If required change the hostname:
If you don't know your interface config you can run:
If necessary make changes to the network configurations, they can be found in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-INTERFACENAME. Always ensure that ONBOOT is set to YES. If any configuration changes were made ensure to restart eh network.
Please note which Interface is going to be used as the public and which as the private interface. In my case I will use ens192 as the private interface and ens224 as the public interface.
Next we need to enable IP Forwarding in the kernel:
and add the following line:
activate the change:
Next step is to configure the firewall to allow IP masquerading between the public and private interfaces (ens224 is the public interface and is the private network I will allow):
Assign the interface to the external firewall zone:
Default zone should be internal:
Reload Firewall:
Restart all networking and firewall services:
Verify the firewall settings: