A foundation started by Titus Dittmann a local entrepreneur who started to bring skateboards into schools and later into shops by building a brand which nowadays has over 30 shops, large online distribution as well as several media channels. But he always remembers his roots where he learned how skateboarding can bring people together which started the Skate-Aid foundation. skate-aid stands for a holistic, self-determined approach to the support of young people in the context of youth aid, sport, culture and international understanding. The Mission: skare-aid empower kids! Since 2009, they use the pedagogical power of skateboarding in worldwide projects. It gives kids and teenagers orientation and identity-creating freedom in their orientation phase and helps them to develop into strong individuals on the basis of self-determination and intrinsic motivation. Thus, skate-aid provides sustainable socialization, prevention and peace work, where social injustices and difficult living conditions endanger young people and inhibit their development.
We focus to support to main initiatives: Skating instead of Ritalin and skate-aid@school.